See Boba Fett Recover From The Sarlacc Pit In New Book Of Boba Fett Trailer
Everyone’s favorite intergalactic bounty hunter is coming back with a vengeance. One of the biggest questions is how Boba Fett survived being eaten by the Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi.
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Everyone’s favorite intergalactic bounty hunter is coming back with a vengeance. Boba Fett (Temuera Morrison) is never kept down for long and will be returning in the Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett. The series is a spin-off from the highly popular show The Mandalorian and will have an eight-episode season. Also set to appear is Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) whose first appearance was as a fellow bounty hunter in The Mandalorian. Now the two of them are teaming up to take over organized crime in Tatooine after a vacancy was left by Jabba the Hutt’s demise. Fans are excited for the new story surrounding Boba Fett but there is some curiosity as well.
One of the biggest questions is how Boba Fett survived being eaten by the Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi. The new trailer attempts to answer that question, at least in part. In the 30 second trailer, viewers can see Boba Fett recovering from the Sarlacc pit in a tank similar to how Luke Skywalker recovered from his attack on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back. However he survived, fans are sure to tune into The Book of Boba Fett when it airs. See him recover in the trailer below.
The popularity of Boba Fett was ignited during his first appearance in The Empire Strikes Back. Though he famously has very little dialogue in the trilogy films, he was a smash success. The character became a hot commodity due to the appearance of his Mandalorian armor and increased merchandise sales with his figures (per The Ringer). Boba Fett died quickly in Return of the Jedi but that didn’t stop him from coming back. The prequel trilogy couldn’t resist bringing back the character. This time, Boba Fett was the clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett. Jango was the DNA source that created the clone army in Attack of the Clones. Whether the new canon was accepted at first or not, this created a new tidal wave of appreciation for the character. Morrison returned in Revenge of the Sith as clone Commander Cody who notoriously betrayed Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Though it would be some time before viewers saw Boba Fett again, Jango Fett’s clones went on to be fan favorites in the Clone Wars cartoon. The show featured heavily a troop of clones who gave names and emotions to characters only seen briefly in the prequels. Captain Rex often aided Anakin and Ahsoka in the war and went on to return in Disney+’s The Bad Batch, another animated series featuring clones.
Disney+ cultivated the Star Wars brand by reviving Clone Wars for a final season and creating a sci-fi western that has become a must-see. The Mandalorian takes place after the fall of The Empire, causing viewers to hope that Boba Fett would be making an appearance (via The Hollywood Reporter). Though the titular Mandalorian was not the same bounty hunter, season two granted fans what they had been praying for. Din Djarin encountered Boba Fett and Fennic. Even though they parted ways, Boba Fett’s story will continue when the spin-off airs on December 29th.