The Best Modern Werewolf Movie Is Still Trying To Get A Sequel

By Jacob VanGundy | Updated

Dog Soldiers 2 is still a long way off from being confirmed, but the director of the original is hopeful that the sequel could happen someday. In a recent interview, Neil Marshall, who wrote and directed the original, stated that he’s ready to start making the sequel but that there hasn’t been enough interest from other parties. He claims he already has the idea for the story and that he’s discussed it with the original’s lead actor.  

The Cult Classic Dog Soldiers

The original Dog Soldiers has become a cult classic action horror movie, widely considered the best modern werewolf movie. It tells the story of a group of British soldiers in the Scottish highlands who are attacked by a pack of werewolves during a routine training exercise. With great practical effects, a strong sense of humor, and great scares, it became a fan favorite after it was released in 2002. 

Bigger Than The First

According to Neil Marshall, Dog Soldiers 2 would once again feature an isolated setting. On the subject of the setting, he stated, “The story is set in a confined setting but a bigger one than the first film.” He also confirmed that the sequel would take place 20 years after the original, acknowledging the real-life time that has passed since the original was released. 

The Original Star Wants To Return

Neil Marshall isn’t the only person involved with the original interested in making Dog Soldiers 2. Kevin McKidd, who played the first film’s dog-loving protagonist, Private Cooper, is hopeful that the sequel gets made and is willing to reprise his role. With the lead and the writer-director both on board to return it could be exactly what fans of the original want. 

Previous Attempts At A Sequel

Various versions of Dog Soldiers 2 have been announced over the years, but none have made it to production. In 2004, a producer from the original film announced that a sequel with the subtitle Fresh Meat was being made involving a military unit of werewolves, but that movie never entered production. Another version of the sequel was promoted by the 2011 web series Dog Soldiers: Legacy, only for the alleged 2014 release date to pass with no movie to show for it.

A Long Ways From Becoming Real

With so many false starts it should be noted that Neil Marshal’s comments aren’t meant to imply his version of Dog Soldiers 2 is in the works. He’s stated that while he knows the general story he would tell with the sequel, he hasn’t started writing a script. His return could build excitement for the sequel, but unless it’s confirmed that the film is being made and a script is written, there’s nothing for fans to get too excited about. 

Lack Of Werewolf Movies

Part of the original’s success was the relative lack of werewolf movies at the time, an environment similar to today. After the original release Underworld, Twilight, and Teen Wolf created a glut of werewolf stories through the mid-2010s, followed by a fallow period. The lack of high-profile werewolf movies recently could make this the perfect time for Dog Soldiers 2 to come out. 

Hope For A Sequel Is Still Alive

With nothing set in stone, the odds of a sequel being made remain slim. While a version made by the original creator could get producers to reconsider, the numerous false starts the sequel has experienced are likely a strong deterrent. But for fans of the original, Marshal’s comments keep hope for Dog Soldiers 2 alive.

Source: InVerse