Ben Affleck’s Batman Movie Happening Thanks To Justice League?
Ben Affleck could actually get his own solo Batman movie now.
This article is more than 2 years old

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is finally here, and it is much better than most imagined it would be. It is not without its issues, but it absolutely improves upon and distances itself from Joss Whedon’s horribly disjointed theatrical cut. Now, a new rumor suggests that the film’s success is paving the way for the long-abandoned, Ben Affleck-led Batman movie the world thought would never happen. The film may not release the way Warner Bros. originally wanted to release it, but the fact that the possibility of a Batfleck is there at all is nothing short of amazing.
Geekosity brings word that the success of the Snyder Cut has encouraged HBO Max to pursue Ben Affleck for a post-The Flash Batman return. That would be amazing, and it would help sate fans eager to see more of Batfleck’s skull-cracking fighting style. This is still a rumor at this point, so take it as you will. Geekosity’s founder and editor-in-chief, Mikey Sutton, even dropped some juicy details about the capacity in which Affleck will appear in the project if it were to happen.
Potential spoilers for The Flash follow, so proceed with caution. If Sutton’s scoop is to be believed, then we are in for a crazy installment in the DC Extended Universe. Sutton’s report claims that Ben Affleck’s Batman will die, and that the solo film will pull a Black Widow and function as a flashback.

It is easy to get confused about what exactly DC and Warner Bros. are up to these days. We get confirmation that Michael Keaton is reprising his role as Batman, only to have the actor cast doubt on whether or not he will be in the movie at all. If he does appear in The Flash, it will be in addition to Ben Affleck’s Batman, not instead of. That, coupled with the fact that The Flash will reportedly be a mix of Back to the Future, Flashpoint, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and The Last Jedi, makes for a thoroughly confusing-but really fascinating- approach. Hopefully, it ends up being a success for Warner Bros. and DC.
If this new rumor is true, it will be interesting to see how it conflicts with-or complements-Robert Pattinson’s take on the Caped Crusader. The Batman is scheduled to hit theaters on March 4, 2022, so we definitely will not get anything more from Ben Affleck before then. Thankfully, the Matt Reeves-helmed The Batman likely won’t interfere with this solo Batfleck film because it would go straight to HBO Max. But regardless of what ends up happening, it’s okay, because from what we have seen already, Robert Pattinson looks to be a worthy successor to Batfleck.
Despite the fact that it could not quite beat Wonder Woman 1984 at the numbers game, Zack Snyder’s Justice League was a monstrous success for HBO Max. If it is prompting AT&T, which owns DC, to pursue Ben Affleck for a potential return to one of his biggest roles, then Snyder’s film probably did even better than most of us know.