The Battlestar Galactica Fan-Favorite Moment That Wasn’t In The Script

By Jonathan Klotz | Updated

It might be a dark sci-fi series that puts its characters through the wringer, but Battlestar Galactica still has some fun, cute, and, in this case, romantic moments that became fan favorites. Typically, Edward James Olmos is involved in these moments, as Commander William Adama was at the heart of the story, but more importantly, it’s because the Blade Runner star would often go off script.

One moment that made fans stand up and cheer was when Adama kissed President Laura Roslin for the first time, which caught everyone, including Mary McDonell, off guard, as it was ad-libbed.

A Brief Moment Of Happiness

The wonderful moment, which was made even more touching by Mary McDonnell’s adorable reaction, comes at the end of “Resurrection Ship, Part 2” and the aftermath of the sudden arrival of the Battlestar Pegasus under the command of Helena Cain (played by Michelle Forbes). This story arc showed, again, that the Cylons weren’t the only villains in the universe, with Pegasus officers willing to torture Cylon prisoners and Cain making liberal use of the death penalty.

Edward James Olmos’s transition from simmering, righteous fury to finally having Adama allow himself a moment of happiness is impressive and demonstrates his deep understanding of the character.

The Unscripted Kiss

In fact, “Pegasus,” followed by both parts of “Resurrection Ship,” marks a turning point for the series as the arrival of another Battlestar opens up new story possibilities while the characters are all starting new legs of their journies. From Starbuck and Apollo bonding over their experience under Cain, to Helo and Sharon reuniting after their traumatic experiences. It makes sense, then, that Edward James Olmos would take the quiet moment in which Roslin makes him an Admiral to express Adama’s true feelings.

The Stars Loved Working Together

Years after the fact, while appearing at conventions alongside Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos opened up about why he went for the kiss, explaining that the moment just felt right. It’s true that by that point in Battlestar Galactica Season 2, Roslin and Adama had developed a deep respect for one another, as neither asked to be in their positions of authority, making life-or-death decisions on a daily basis. In the world of sci-fi, it’s one of the better-written, more mature romances that’s given the room and space to grow.

The Unexpected Romance

Except not even Ronald Moore thought it would grow as fast as it did, thanks to the chemistry between Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonnell, two veteran performers that made theirs the premier romance of Battlestar Galactica, and not the younger pairings.

Honestly, Moore should have always been expecting something like that from Olmos, given how the famous “so say we all” line was also the result of an ad-lib. That became the rallying cry for the series and the legions of fans that still love it today, so of course, another ad-lib would be one of the best moments in the show.

Unlike Anything In Current Sci-Fi

Going by their convention appearances together, it’s clear that Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonell loved working together on Battlestar Galactica. Their unexpected romance brought some light and hope to the dark series, but it would not have worked nearly as well in the hands of less talented stars. The next time you go back and binge the series, pay attention to the slow burn of their relationship, as that’s not the type of story-telling we get anymore in modern sci-fi shows.