The Netflix True Crime Thriller Series With A ’90s Sci-Fi Icon

If you came of age in the ’90s, David Duchovny was unavoidable—and wonderfully so. After all, The X-files, an institution and icon of sci-fi, continues to thrill audiences who “want to believe” today. And if you’re Duchovny-fix is unsatisfied by X-files rewatches, check out Aquarius on Netflix, a true crime thriller series blending a trippy ’60s sensibility with dark gravitas.
Aquarius On Netflix

The series uniquely blends historical fact and dramatic fiction, emerging as a notable entry in the crowded prestige TV landscape of the mid-2010s.
Duchovny leads the cast as seasoned LAPD detective Sam Hodiak, who, along with a green undercover narcotics officer Brian Shafe (Gray Damopn), contends with terrifying, real-life-murderer Charles Manson (played by Gethin Anthony) in the search for a missing teenage girl.
Missing Persons And Charles Manson

Aquarius commences with Hodiak, tasked with looking into the enigmatic disappearance of Emma Karn, the teenage daughter of an old flame.
His investigation leads him to Charles Manson, of all people, the charismatic, manipulative, small-time crook and aspiring musician.
Soon, the straightforward missing person case spirals into something stranger and darker—a complex odyssey through the underbelly of a society on the brink of irreversible change.
Cat-And-Mouse Game

Central to the narrative arc is the relationship between Hodiak and Manson, a cat-and-mouse dynamic if there ever was one.
Hodiak’s old-school policing and a conservative worldview endure constant upheaval from Manson and the late ’60s milieu (in addition to his younger, more progressive colleagues).
Enjoyably, the series revels in the tumultuous background of the late 1960s, blackened by the infamous murder spree committed by the Manson Family. Aquarius impressively navigates the complex social and cultural issues characterizing the era.
Subplots And The Times

The series also benefits from multiple intriguing subplots, such as Hodiak’s efforts to understand and infiltrate the hippie world he neither understands nor enjoys.
The show furthermore touches on the significant impact of the Vietnam War, which was raging at the time and ravaging many aspects of American society.
Moreover, the series works in plot elements about the ongoing civil rights struggle and the rise of feminism. For hippie-culture history buffs, the show admirably involves real-life figures in addition to Manson, such as music producer Terry Melcher.
Bold Project

On the whole, Aquarius is a bold project sporting a unique aesthetic, developed by veteran writer and producer John McNamara. The series, produced by ITV Studios America and Marty Adelstein Productions, premiered on NBC in 2015.
It was noted for being one of the first network shows to be released in the now-normalized binge format—with all episodes readily available online following the first episode’s premiere.
Critical reactions to the series were mixed. Experts often praised Duchovny’s performance, and many lauded his acting chops, particularly his ability to capture the complexity of his character. However, many critics felt disconcerted by blending historical facts with fictional elements in Aquarius.
They asserted the project struggled unsuccessfully to multitask being both a true-blue period piece a standard crime drama. All of which led to a divided response among viewers and critics alike.
A Unique Perspective

That said, the series was regarded highly for its effort to integrate actual story elements into a fictional universe.
Much attention surrounded its handling of Charles Manson. Sure, the series took creative liberties—how could it not?—but it strove to accurately depict the era’s atmosphere, Manson’s psychological nefariousness, and his charismatic leadership.
If anything, Aquarius’s depiction of ’60s LA and its criminal underworld—the bad trip ruining the endless Summer of Love—scored points for advancing a unique perspective.
Ultimately, ambitious premise or not, the show struggled ratings-wise. Following its first two seasons, NBC pulled the plug and formally announced the show’s cancellation in 2016. The network based its decision on low viewership numbers despite the initial buzz surrounding the show’s release and Duchovny’s star power.
Plotlines Unresolved

Unavoidably and unfortunately, the cancellation of Aquarius left some plot lines unresolved, leaving fans in the lurch.
Still, Duchovny devotees can enjoy his work on the series via Netflix, the world’s biggest streaming platform.
Speaking of Agent Mulder, the series signified a major chapter in the long and celebrated career of the 90s icon. Known most readily for The X Files and the reasonably popular series Californication, Duchovny enjoyed added renown for his acting on Aquarius, where his versatility shines.
Fans and critics especially valued his sensitive, nuanced portrayal of an LAPD detective—a role differing in flavor from his prior work.
Ultimately, for a novel take on the crime thriller genre and Duchovny at his finest, stream Aquarius today.