Anna Paquin Reveals An Intimate Moment With Hugh Jackman While Making X-Men
Anna Paquin recently shared what it was like working with Hugh Jackman on X-Men.
This article is more than 2 years old

When making the first X-Men film, most of Anna Paquin’s scenes were filmed with Hugh Jackman. It wasn’t until the second film when a group of younger actors were on set to hang out with, but even then, her best friend on set was Hugh Jackman. Recently, she recounted these experiences in an interview with SiriusXM, where the actress recalled a moment that was bound to bond them as friends.
When you have long claws, it may not make the most sense to smoke a cigar. Holding a cigar between Wolverine’s blades would always seem like an unnecessary challenge. But Wolverine is cool, he’s older, and he’s set in his ways, and those ways include smoking cigars. One of the more common downfalls of cigar smoking is that the leaves will get stuck in your teeth. A problem here that many of us probably hadn’t thought of is that when you have claws and you smoke cigars, you’re not going to be able to pick those leaves out of your teeth in any kind of safe way. And when you’re an actor in a Hollywood movie, you just can’t have things stuck in your teeth. And so it was that Hugh Jackman found himself in a weird situation when filming a scene with Anna Paquin.
In her interview, the actress recalled that as they were bonding and becoming friends on the first movie, they filmed a scene in a truck where Wolverine is smoking a cigar. The actor has his claws, which aren’t easy to remove and put back on. And they’re needing to film a scene, while he has cigar pieces stuck in his teeth. So, what are friends for? Anna Paquin was given the task of picking cigar bits from between Hugh Jackman’s teeth. That’s the kind of bonding that makes you best friends even when people closer in age range started to form a friend group on the sequels, as Paquin said happened with the X-Men franchise.
The actress recalled that Hugh Jackman always had a good attitude about all the stunt work he was doing, even though it put his body through the wringer. She also said that he was always a normal person, someone she found real and relatable. You can see Anna Paquin briefly recall her time on X-Men in the interview below.
Anna Paquin was 16 years old while she was filming X-Men. She played Rogue in the film and her character was well-known for having a crush on Wolverine, which put her in a lot of scenes with Hugh Jackman. It’s been a long time now since she’s been in an X-Men film and it would seem like the actress has moved on, but she told Variety that given the opportunity, she’d happily appear in an X-Men film again. However, she isn’t sure how the writers would have that make sense. She has said that she doubts they could make that happen. With all of the spinoffs, reboots, and timelines, she has no idea where her character would fit. However, she considers that franchise to be her original “film family” and would happily return to the role in the right circumstances.