Amber Heard Has Someone Fighting To Keep Her In Aquaman 2

Amber Heard is still planning on starring in Aquaman 2 and it's looking because a key person in the production has her back right now

By Doug Norrie | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

amber heard aquaman 2

Amber Heard is either going to definitely be in Aquaman 2, or she’s been completely fired from Aquaman 2. It kind of depends on the day of the week with this news lately. It’s been a rollercoaster over the last couple of months with fans wondering if the actress was going to keep her gig in the DC Universe. Now it seems one of the reasons she still has the job (presumably) is that someone has been going to bat for the actress. Insider Daniel Richtman has it that director James Wan is fighting to keep her around. 

When it comes to keeping or getting a role in a movie, having the director on your side and in your corner is likely the best stepping-off point. It appears that Wan very much wants to keep Amber Heard in the film and, in the end, that might be what ultimately makes the final decision. It’s also probably why, as of now, it does appear the plan is to just keep her in the upcoming sequel. It’s the best way to keep those working on the film happy and will avoid succumbing to whatever implied societal or industry pressure there is to let her go. 

James Wan has already worked with Amber Heard in the first Aquaman movie which was a resounding success at both the box office and with critics as well. Getting the band back together and not rocking the boat (to mix metaphors) has to be the goal for the director in getting the next story up on the screen. Aquaman scored 65% on Rotten Tomatoes, which for DC represents one of their better critically-performing movies. And in terms of ticket sales, it was a complete and utter smash. The film earned more than $1.1 billion at the box office. It’s clear that a sequel was in the cards with some ironing out around the cast the next move. 

Amber Heard

The will she/ won’t she issue with Amber Heard stems from her much-publicized divorce and subsequent court case involving ex-husband Johnny Depp. The latter sued the British tabloid The Sun over remarks the publication made about his treatment of Heard. It put The Sun in the position of having to prove their claim that he was, in fact, a “wife-beater”. The court sided with the paper and Depp’s reputation took a massive hit. 

The fallout led to Johnny Depp losing multiple roles, including his part in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them franchise. But Amber Heard didn’t come out looking amazing in the court case though the claims against her weren’t all that close to Depp’s. Some did call for her ouster from the next Aquaman movie

It hasn’t come to that yet and from this recent news, it looks like it’s because Amber Heard has the backing of James Wan. He’s got a firm grasp on the Aquaman franchise, locked up even if there are rumors that studio execs might want Heard to quit rather than having to fire her. That doesn’t look like the case right now and I think we can expect her in the sequel.