AI Nurses Are Real And Already Taking Over For Humans

Many have long cited the medical field as a future-proof career. They reason that there will always be sick people to take care of, so there will always be plenty of work. And unlike jobs like art or writing, AI can not perform the tasks of a medical professional—or at least, it couldn’t in the past. New developments suggest that AI nurses might actually be common in the future.
AI Nurses On Video Calls

To be clear, the “AI nurses” are so far the only agents who can interact with patients over video calls instead of having a live person perform that role.
However, even in this early stage, the AI nurses are outperforming their human counterparts. When it comes to data driven tasks, the AI did better in every tested category.
AI Nurses Outperforming Humans

The AI nurses outperformed people 96% to 93% when attempting to compare a lab value to a reference range. 79% to 63% when looking at how a medication could impact lab values.
And 81% to 57% when checking for what a toxic dose would be in over-the-counter medications. And the worst part for real nurses and their job security? AI nurses can do all of this for just $9 an hour compared to the $39.05 median pay an actual nurse would receive.
Also Outperforming Other AI Services

The new technology is a collaboration between chipmaker Nvidia and Hippocratic AI, which says its AI nurses already outperform competitors like OpenAI’s GPT-4.
However, they also say that their goal is not to deprive real-life people of jobs but rather to fill a gap in the medical worker shortage.
More Reliable Access

The co-founder and CEO of Hippocratic AI, Munjal Shah, said, “We’re working with NVIDIA to continue refining our technology and amplify the impact of our work of mitigating staffing shortages while enhancing access, equity and patient outcomes.”
So the intention behind this new technology of AI nurses is to ensure patients have more reliable access to updates about their medical health when they need it. And at least for now, in person care would still be conducted by actual living medical workers.
Nurses Worried?

Still, the stated intentions by the creators likely do not assuage many workers who are becoming increasingly worried about their career longevity as AI becomes more advanced.
Creative roles have already struggled to weed out AI contributions, and laws and regulations have had to be passed against using AI to impersonate real-life celebrities without their permission.
So it is understandable why the prospect of AI nurses would worry workers as to how quickly this technology could progress into taking roles away from real people. Many advanced positions in the medical field were already competitive as is.
Technological Advancements

The mention of how Hippocratic AI has outperformed other AI competitors indicates that other companies are also focusing on this market. Soon enough, one of those companies will no doubt begin developing AI nurses for purposes beyond just video calls.
Technology companies are most interested in how advanced they can make their creations rather than stopping at the threshold that it would take jobs away from others. ChatGPT has already been in the news quite a bit for its increasing usage by students and workers trying to use it to do their work for them.
It will be interesting to see what sanctions are made to protect the rights of medical workers as this technology progresses.
Source: Fox Business