See Vanessa Hudgens Bury Her Toes In The Sand In A Sparkly Swimsuit

Vanessa Hudgens contemplates the divine in a sparkly swimsuit as she buries her toes in the warm sand.

By Chris Snellgrove | Updated

This article is more than 2 years old

vanessa hudgens

When it comes to awesome social media posts, most celebs alternate between offering words of wisdom to their adoring fans or just sharing hot pics when they are feeling cute. However, trailblazer and High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens has proven it’s possible to do both at the same time. If you have any doubts, just check out her recent Instagram posts where she shows off a dazzling swimsuit while burying her toes in the sand and getting very philosophical with her followers.

Rather than being a typical celeb thirst trap, Vanessa Hudgens deliberately took a more meditative photo as she relaxes at the beach. Beams of sunshine partially obscure her face, but they also draw our attention to her hands, which she seems to have brought together in a gesture of meditation or contemplation. All of this pairs well with the quote from Buddha that she used as her caption: “If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.”

If you’re not up on your Eastern philosophy, Vanessa Hudgens is basically demonstrating how to follow this particular wisdom from the Buddha. Far from being empty words, this quote refers to the fact that people should spend at least a little time each day in a very quiet place, ideally outdoors. It is only by inhabiting open, quiet places that we can access the depths of our souls (“the divine” in this case) and ponder the mysteries of our inner being.

Those who aren’t fans of meditation or philosophy might shake their heads at the quote Vanessa Hudgens shared, but nobody can deny that she looks pretty content and at peace with the world. Whether or not you believe in a kind of inner divinity, it’s always easier to relax at the beach. And it looks like Hudgens has channeled her own divine energy into some awesome projects on the horizon.

vanessa hudgens
Vanessa Hudgens in Bad Boys 4 Life

For example, Vanessa Hudgens will be voicing the character of Willow in Netflix’s Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas, an animated prequel to the original Zack Snyder Army of the Dead. She’ll also be starring in an ambitious upcoming drama, Downtown Owl, which is an adaptation of the 2008 novel by the same name written by Chuck Klosterman. She’s also going to be starring in two very different upcoming movies: indie comedy French Girl (where she will star opposite Zach Braff) and Big Rig, a movie where Hudgens plays a young mother who must become a trucker to help make ends meet for the family.

Such a busy slate of upcoming films is always a mixed blessing for actors because it helps raise their career profiles even as it chips away at the time they have for themselves, their families, and their friends. Knowing how busy she has been and will continue to be, it’s understandable that Vanessa Hudgens wanted to take this time to relax on the beach. And considering that we’re in the midst of winter right now, we’d love to take her advice and feel the “warm sun” on our hands any day now.