Utah Governor Asked To Change His “Obscene” Last Name, Refuses
The Governor of Utah has some voters up in arms about his last name and they want it changed. He isn't planning on that anytime soon
This article is more than 2 years old

Sometimes folks are born with a last name that draws the ire of certain folks. It isn’t really their fault, after all, few people get to choose their name from the jump. And there are certain last name constructions that just sound funnier or more graphic than others. The current Governor of Utah is dealing with one such situation right now and at least one of his constituents wants the dude to go about changing his last name because it is “obscene”. Oh, to be Utah chief Spencer Cox right now who while working in office is also being called out because his family is of Welsh or English origin.
The Utah Governor took to Twitter this week to post a letter he received from a constituent and to also give the response to what is a pretty ludicrous request. Apparently, this voter, a fellow Republican like Cox has taken umbrage to what the guy’s last name sounds like when said out loud. This voter just isn’t having it with the last name invoking just too many foul thoughts when spoken. Oh, the humanity of it all. Check out the letter Cox received and try to determine if there are actually people out there who care this much about a last name. And then do some thinking on how their vote counts the same as yours.
Okay, so the Very Concerned Citizen from Utah does has a technical point in his/her favor that the last name Cox does, in fact, sound like the pluralized version of a certain slang term for male genitalia. So a point in their favor on that count. But really, the last name of Cox isn’t exactly some random, new name that the Utah Governor made up to troll his constituency. This isn’t like Deez Nuts who was performing strongly back in a North Carolina Presidential poll, garnering about 9% of the potential vote and reminding news outlets why you don’t ask the public for their opinion about anything, ever. That guy was 15-year-old Brady Olsen who registered as an Independent and captured the hearts and souls of trolls everywhere.
To his credit, Utah Governor Spencer Cox saw this letter for what it was, kind of a joke. He treated it as such online and even though it was someone having a laugh at his expense. That being said, according to Cox it looks like the office director of constituent affairs seemed to think it was indeed serious. For whatever that is worth.
And if you are looking for first and last name combinations that are truly butting up against the line of possible decency, or just downright child abuse if you had them, one needn’t look all that far. There are some truly hilarious examples out there that will make you question what exactly parents were thinking at the time. It is a good read. The Governor of Utah isn’t going to find himself on this list anytime soon. I mean, as of this writing, Cox was the 78th most popular surname in the United States.