See Snake And Mongoose Fight Delay Airplane Takeoff

By Christopher Isaac | Published

Passengers are used to having their flights delayed at the airport pretty regularly and oftentimes there is no clear reason why. However, in India a flight leaving from Patna, Bihar wound up being delayed for a reason that was quite evident, but very bizarre. As the flight was getting ready to take off, a snake and a mongoose appeared on the runway and began fighting one another in clear view out of one of the windows of the airplane.

Video of the fight has been shared on X, showing the mongoose appearing to be the aggressor against the cobra. Snakes and mongooses are natural enemies in the wild, with mongooses famously being able to typically emerge victorious due to their immunity to cobra venom. Mongoose will often hunt and kill snakes not only to protect their young but also for a free meal.

Near the end of the video, two other adult mongooses emerge from the nearby grass and begin prowling on the periphery of their friend’s fight.

The sight on the airplane runway was an especially unusual battleground for this snake and mongoose fight. It was evidently peculiar enough that the pilot did not feel safe having the plane takeoff until after the animals had concluded their business. It is not clear where the plane was destined for, but reports say this all transpired out of the Jay Prakash Narayan Airport.

The video on X also does not appear to showcase the entirety of the fight between the snake and the mongoose. The clip is only 36 seconds long and shows the fight already underway. Near the end of the video, two other adult mongooses emerge from the nearby grass and begin prowling on the periphery of their friend’s fight. It looks poised to escalate into a three mongoose fight versus the cobra right as the video ends.

Given the airport’s desire to no doubt resume business as usual, it is unclear if human intervention transpired to break up the fight so the plane could begin its flight.

There is no word on who the victor was, or even if there was a clear winner. These types of encounters do often end in either the snake or the mongoose winding up dead. However, given the airport’s desire to no doubt resume business as usual, it is unclear if human intervention transpired to break up the fight so the plane could begin its flight.

Snake and Mongoose fight
An epic battle between a snake and three mongooses was captured on the tarmac at the Patna, Bihar Airport Runway

Regardless of how the conflict between the snake and the three mongooses ended, it no doubt provided some memorable entertainment for passengers waiting for takeoff. It cannot be often that passengers get treated to a National Geographic display while waiting to travel, so perhaps for some who were returning home the unusual incident provided one last entertaining anecdote that they will be able to share.

It does not appear that Jay Prakash Narayan Airport has offered any comment on the animal altercation. Perhaps snakes and mongoose are common enough sights in India that such a moment did not register as something that out of the ordinary. Viewers of the video from other parts of the world have expressed amusement at a sight that is hard to image happening somewhere like the United States.

As the flight was getting ready to take off, a snake and a mongoose appeared on the runway and began fighting one another in clear view out of one of the windows of the airplane.

Some commenters on X have had a bit of fun with the snake and mongoose video, offering humorous explanations behind the fight. One individual speculated that the snake tried to board the plane with an oversized cosmetic bottle and that mongoose TSA members were detaining the snake. The sight provided a bit of fun for the internet, and the flight presumably made it safely to its destination after the animals had concluded their scuffle.