Mariah Carey Ex Finally Takes Blame For Breakup

By Chris Snellgrove | Published

When it comes to celebrity couples, many people thought that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon would go the distance, especially after they got married and had twins. However, the two split in 2014, prompting fans everywhere to wonder who was to blame for the relationship imploding.

Now, it seems, Cannon is finally ready to take the blame, admitting in a recent interview with People that “[Mariah Carey] don’t want me” because “she’s moved on from my crazy antics.”

Nick Cannon Falls On His Sword

nick cannon

Nick Cannon’s blunt honesty about the matter may be his way of throwing in the towel when it comes to reconciliation. Just last month, he mentioned in another interview that “we belong together” and expressed his own enthusiasm for the idea of the two reconciling.

In his words, he’d “absolutely” be happy to get back with his ex and that he would “be stupid if [he] didn’t” take advantage of such an opportunity. Now, though, his declaration that Mariah Carey had “moved on” from his so-called “crazy antics” makes it sound like Cannon has given up and is willing to take the blame for the breakup. 

Cannon Has Sired A Football Team

While Nick Cannon may be justifying why his famous ex has moved on, it certainly seems like he moved on a long time ago. After splitting from Mariah Carey, he went on to have a whopping 10 more children with five different romantic partners.

Clearly, the Masked Singer host has plenty of other mouths to feed, but all these other kids have never kept him from focusing on the 13-year-old twins (Moroccan and Monroe) that he and Carey have continued to raise together.

The Couple Are Co-Parents

mariah carey

Even though the marriage between Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon fizzled out, the two stayed on friendly terms, and both helped raise their children. Cannon recently revealed the simple secret to raising both their twins and his own separate brood: “At the end of the day, if you put the kids first and remove ego, you can do anything,”

Given how self-deprecating he has become about himself and his role in the relationship with Carey falling apart, it seems like Cannon has done a good job of removing his ego from the equation.

Referencing Mariah Carey and the mothers of his other children, Nick Cannon noted that everyone was very successful with co-parenting despite him rather than because of him. “To their credit, you know what I mean?” he said last year. “Dealing with me must be madness.”

Settled Into Their Careers

mariah carey

Aside from co-parenting the children together, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon mostly lead very different lives. When he’s not spending time with his many children, Cannon hosts The Masked Singer and is set to appear in Season 2 of the TV show Accused on Fox.

As for Mariah Carey, she has continued making music and eventually embraced her role as the resident Christmas queen with Mariah Carey’s Magical Christmas Special, a TV event with a soundtrack album of the same name.

Probably Not kissing Under The Mistletoe This Year

mariah carey

Normally, we’re romantics at heart, and part of us can’t help but hope that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon get back together after all these years apart. But this relationship looks like it’s been dead for a long time now, and we can’t help but be grateful to Cannon for finally revealing why it died.

And considering that Carey is currently single, it will be interesting to discover who–if anyone–is all she wants for Christmas this year.

Source: People