Jamie Lee Curtis Announces Her Child Is Trans
Jamie Lee Curtis has revealed her son is now her daughter.
This article is more than 2 years old

In the midst of a person, professional, and creative renaissance, actress Jamie Lee Curtis has gone public with the news that one of her children is a trans woman.
In an intimate interview with AARP, Jamie Lee Curtis — now 62 years old — said over the past decade she’s undergone a stunning transformation or, in her own words, a “great mental migration” leaving her happier and more excited to face each day. She said one of the strategies she’s developed is what she calls “shedding” or letting go. She gave the example of scaling down her acting career and later of getting rid of a horde of expensive cameras she’d accumulated when becoming a photographer, only to discard them all when she decided her iPhone’s camera was all she really needed.
Among the things Curtis has happily allowed to fall by the wayside are any outdated notions of gender. Jamie Lee Curtis married actor and mockumentary master Christopher Guest in 1984. According to a quote from Interview Magazine, she actually married Guest five months after seeing a picture of him in Rolling Stone and vowing “Oh, I’m going to marry that guy.” The couple have two grown children and– with her younger daughter’s permission — Curtis revealed to AARP that one of them is trans. Curtis said that she and Guest “have watched in wonder and pride as our son became our daughter Ruby.” Curtis added Ruby — a 25-year-old gaming editor — is engaged to be married next year and Curtis plans to officiate the wedding herself.

The interview with Jamie Lee Curtis comes at a time of increased visibility for trans people in the entertainment industry, including Elliot Page’s coming-out announcement on Instagram last year, and MJ Rodriguez’s Emmy nomination for her performance as Blanca Rodriguez-Evangelista on the FX drama series Pose.
It also coincides with something of a resurgence for Jamie Lee Curtis in terms of her career on the big screen, boosted in no small part by her role in the acclaimed 2019 whodunnit Knives Out. She’s set to once more reprise the role that made her one of Hollywood’s scream queens in October with Halloween Kills and next year with the follow-up Halloween Ends.
Considering Ruby Curtis has a career in the gaming industry, she may be very excited about one of her mother’s upcoming projects. At the time of AARP’s interview, Jamie Lee Curtis was two days shy of boarding a plane for Budapest to film Borderlands — the upcoming adaptation of the popular first-person shooter video game franchise.

In spite of an already packed schedule — not to mention likely being exhausted from being chased by Michael Myers all the time — from what Curtis told AARP, she isn’t planning to slow down any time soon. Her home includes a podcast studio, in which she recorded the upcoming podcast Good Friends. She’s also founded her own production company, Comet Pictures, which already has a TV series and motion picture in development. She also recorded the podcast Letters from Camp, written by her goddaughter Bocco Haft, with Jake Gyllenhaal and Adam Sandler’s daughter Sunny lending their voices to the story.