The Best Burger Chain Joins The Battle For Taco Tuesday In The Most Hilarious Way
In an effort to promote itself while trolling Taco Bell, Jack in the Box is looking to trademark the phrase "Taco Tuesnight."

If beloved burger chain Jack in the Box has its way, people will soon be eating their favorite meat and cheese stuffed tortillas on “Taco Tuesnight.” The fast-food chain came up with “Taco Tuesnight” as a way to troll Taco Bell over their battle for the right to use the phrase “Taco Tuesday.” According to, execs at Jack in the Box are seriously, not foolin’, in the middle of filing the necessary trademarks for their made-up phrase as we speak.
Jack in the Box has already started the process with the USPTO and, if granted the trademark, promises not to be stingy when it comes to letting other businesses use “Taco Tuesnight.” Jack in the Box is no stranger to trolling its competition for laughs. Last year the restaurant chain took over a website that tracks which McDonald’s have working ice cream machines and which ones are broken in an effort to draw attention to their own frozen offerings.
Meanwhile, the real-life circumstances behind Taco Bell’s battle for “Taco Tuesday” are almost too ridiculous to make fun of. Apparently, the phrase “Taco Tuesday” is trademarked by Taco John’s, a small Wyoming chain of taco restaurants. This gives Taco John’s the ability to prohibit anyone else—be it Taco Bell or your own mother—from using the two-word phrase.

Taco Bell has decided that despite Taco John’s holding the trademark for over 30 years and despite Taco Bell not going bankrupt in that time period, it is imperative that “Taco Tuesday” be freed from Taco John’s tyrannical grip and given back to the public. Taco Bell has gone as far as starting a petition and filing an appeal with the patent office, begging them to sever Taco John’s stranglehold on the beloved phrase. Given the circumstances, Jack in the Box is doing the work of *insert your favorite deity here.*
Taco Bell’s appeal is full of witticisms such as “People like tacos on Tuesdays. They just do,” and “It’s even fun to say,” as well as the claim that everyone, no matter who they are, should have the right to say “Taco Tuesday” without the fear of a potential lawsuit. What’s especially interesting is that a chain like Taco Bell with a history of viral marketing—the Taco Bell chihuahua, Fourthmeal, etc.—feels as though it needs to use such a cliched phrase in order to sell its tacos. In fact, if it weren’t coming out of the unmoving mouth of the creepy Jack in the Box mascot, “Taco Tuesnight” could easily be a Taco Bell slogan.
Jack in the Box has the right idea trying to coin their own phrase rather than adopt one that’s been around forever. Marketing is all about putting a unique spin on things, and while “Tuesnight” might look silly at first glance, it’s definitely unique enough that customers will remember it.
Ultimately nothing about Tuesday makes it a prime day for the taco-eating experience other than the hard “t” sound at the beginning. Taco Tuesday is simply an alliteration like “Throwback Thursday.” There is nothing inherently taco-ish about the second day of the week despite Taco Bell’s assistance that Tuesday is “everyone’s favorite taco-day-of-the-week.”
Tuesnight, on the other hand, was made for eating Tacos. Literally.