Hugh Jackman’s Love Life Takes A Sad Turn

By April Ryder | Updated

hugh jackman wolverine

After more than 27 years as a strong Hollywood couple, Hugh Jackman and his wife Deborah-Lee Jackman have announced they are parting ways. In a statement to People, the couple wrote that they are making an “amicable” split to pursue their “individual growth”. 

 “We have been blessed to share almost 3 decades together as husband and wife in a wonderful, loving marriage. Our journey now is shifting and we have decided to separate to pursue our individual growth.”

Joint statement from Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee Jackman

For nearly three decades the Jackman family has served as a model of what a solid Hollywood marriage could be, making the news of their split disheartening for many fans. Hugh Jackman has always poised himself as a loving and supportive husband to Deborah-Lee, often posting beautiful messages of love and devotion on social media each year for their anniversary. 

Hugh Jackman (or Wolverine in the Marvel Universe) first met his long-time companion in 1995 while working on one of his very first projects, an Australian television series called Corelli. Hugh and Deborah-Lee were costars, and the two found joy in one another’s presence almost immediately. 

Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee in Corelli

While recalling their first meeting, Hugh Jackman said that he remembered thinking, “I like this girl”, and it seems he certainly did. The couple were married the very next year and have served as one of Hollywood’s most beloved couples for many years since. 

Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee spent the first four years of their marriage as a duo before stepping into the next chapter of parenthood. The Jackmans raised two beautiful children along the way, whom they adopted in 2000 and 2005. Oscar (who is 23) and Ava (who is 18) have largely been kept out of the public eye as they have grown into adults. 

“Our family has been and always will be our highest priority. We undertake this next chapter with gratitude, love, and kindness. We greatly appreciate your understanding in respecting our privacy as our family navigates this transition in all of our lives.”

Joint statement from Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee Jackman

Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee have said that they were always planning to adopt, but adoption became a much-needed option after Deborah-Lee suffered through several miscarriages and failed IVF treatments. Luckily, the couple was strong, and they very successfully raised two amazing children during their decades together. 

Though this is the end of Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee as a married couple, you can be sure the two will go on parenting their two children in tandem. They are ending their union with grace and class, and wish to be left alone to process the upcoming life changes in a private setting. Hopefully, Hollywood and the world will do their best to acquiesce to their request. 

The couple’s statement to People was a clear message to fans and to press alike that “this is the sole statement” either of them will make concerning the situation. Though to some this parting may seem like the crumbling of a failed marriage, the manner in which Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee has spent their time together was anything but a failure. 

For nearly three decades the Jackman family has served as a model of what a solid Hollywood marriage could be, making the news of their split disheartening for many fans.

Times change. People change, and the goals we have set for our futures often change. In this case, you can be sure that both parts of this powerhouse couple will go on to find further success on their new paths. 

Keep an eye out for what this fantastic family has in store for the time to come. Now that Oscar and Ava are adults, what might they do with their opportunities? Oscar went to college at a film school, suggesting that we may one day see his work on the big screen as well.