Gwyneth Paltrow Now Sells Sex Pills For Women
Gwyneth Paltrow is now selling supposed sex pills, because why not?
This article is more than 2 years old

Gwyneth Paltrow’s wellness brand, Goop, is at it again selling yet another questionable product boasting questionable health benefits born of questionable science.
The latest in Gwyneth Paltrow’s arsenal of things to sell rich women is a supplement that the Goop website claims will help increase a woman’s sex drive and address “common physiological roadblocks to desire.” The supplement, which can be purchased both online and in her brick and mortar stores, is cheekily called “DTF,” based on the online slang and frequent phrase used on The Jersey Shore as an acronym for “down to f—.”
The core ingredient that Gwyneth Paltrow’s “science and research team” determined will achieve increased sex drive in women is Libifem fenugreek extract, which it notes has been “clinically shown” to support healthy sexual arousal and desire in women specifically. Rounding out the all-natural, gluten-free formula is shatavari and saffron extract. The Goop website, in addition to praising its alleged scientific benefits to make women more interested in getting between the sheets, warns that it is not intended for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. It cautions those with a medical condition or who are taking medication to consult their physician before taking it. Otherwise, it’s two pills bought from her twice a day for two months and you should start seeing results in the form of wanting to have more sex.

It has allegedly not been shown to conflict with any birth control either — so go wild and know that any fun you have is a direct result of Gwyneth Paltrow’s team of wellness-minded scientists and researchers and definitely not a result of sex being fun or attraction to your partner.
It didn’t take long before Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest Goop supplement, which retails between $50 to $55, began to raise eyebrows online. After all, it’s hardly the first time that she’s come out with a product marketed for women that make… We’ll just say specious claims.
In addition to expensive, head-scratching products like a candle that smells like Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina and, allegedly, her orgasm, Us Weekly notes that she’s been behind several products that came with health recommendations that couldn’t be backed up.

It was reported in 2017 that Gwyneth Paltrow marketed a series of “Body Vibes” stickers that Goop claimed was the same material NASA used to monitor astronauts’ vitals while wearing space suits — until NASA called BS. Then there was her jade vaginal egg, which Goop claimed could do a myriad of things like help with bladder control and regulate hormone levels. Turns out, it couldn’t. As a result, the company had to pay $145,00 in civil penalties for “unsubstantiated” marketing claims, according to Vox. There was also the time she told women to steam their vaginas, prompting gynecologists to say “please don’t” for fear it would upset the pH balance and lead to burning.
Through it all, Gwyneth Paltrow has remained steadfast in her assertion that Goop is a wholesome company designed with women’s best health interests in mind and is definitely not a shameless money grab centered on producing products that make people think “no way” only to make them spend money to find out — “yeah, no way.”