High Ranking Government UFO Official Exposing Everything

By Em Helena | Published

pentagon ufo

Jay Stratton, the former Director of the U.S. Government’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), is ready to reveal his insider knowledge on UFOs and non-human intelligence. In a deal with HarperCollins, Jay Stratton’s work-in-progress memoir hopes to elaborate on his time at the elusive agency.

Revealing Everything Legally Possible

ufo hearings

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter’s James Hibberd, Jay Stratton said the following regarding access to UFO intelligence: ​​“We are at the beginning of a new chapter for humanity,” he stated. “The process of disclosure is complex but it has begun.” While much of Stratton’s work will remain classified, he hopes to reveal all that is lawfully possible to the public.

The Rights To The Story Have Already Been Sold


Dan Farah, founder of Farah Films, also hopes to catapult Jay Stratton’s UFO experience. Currently, the former Ready Player One producer holds exclusive television and movie rights to Stratton’s story. Audiences assume that, after the release of the memoir, it won’t be long until its contents will be transferred to the silver screen.

Jay Stratton’s UFO book deal comes just three years after the public release of the Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, also known as the Pentagon UFO Report. The assessment revealed that, from 2004 to 2021, 144 UFO observations were identified by the U.S. Armed Forces and U.S. Navy Personnel. All reported UFO sightings were investigated by the UAPTF under the direction of Jay Stratton.

Things That Can’t Be Explained


According to the Pentagon, all photos and videos collected from these occurrences were certified as authentic, meaning no one had doctored or photoshopped any of the visual evidence collected.

Following the release of the report, former U.S. president Barack Obama made a public statement saying, “…there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are.” Jay Stratton’s UFO memoir hopes to echo a similar sentiment, shedding light on a phenomena previously regarded as just a conspiracy theory.

The Tic Tac

Many inquisitive audiences wonder if Jay Stratton will further reveal information about the UFO dubbed the “Tic Tac” due to its breath-mint-like shape. Alex Dietrich, retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander, witnessed Tic Tac in 2004, and her report was included in the Pentagon UFO Report.

Dietrich captured the footage on an advanced infrared camera attached to her fighter jet, and it was officially released to the public on April 27, 2020. Since Jay Stratton began his work with the UAPTF shortly after the Tic Tac UFO sighting, many speculate that he could be sitting on some insider information.

The Truth Is Out There


Though many look forward to the eventual release of Jay Stratton’s UFO memoir, some believe his observed sightings already have perfectly logical explanations. The four most popular categories are airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena such as thermal fluctuations, industry development programs, or foreign adversary systems. Even still, the Pentagon UFO Report deemed the evidence collected by the UAPTF inconclusive; no singular logical explanation seemed to carry much weight.

Though a release date for Jay Stratton’s UFO memoir has yet to be announced, it is already garnering significant public attention and support. If this momentum continues, it would be no surprise if Stratton becomes a best-selling author. However, at this point, all audiences can do is look to HarperCollins and Jay Stratton for further updates.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter