Elon Musk’s Transgender Daughter Changing Name To Be Rid Of Him

That's just sad.

By Michileen Martin | Published

This article is more than 2 years old

Elon Musk

The CEO of Tesla Motors has never been the most beloved public figure, but there seems to be a growing number of people who want nothing to do with the billionaire. Now Elon Musk can count his daughter among those who want as much distance between themselves and the SpaceX founder as possible. She’s not only filing to change her name, but she’s making it clear part of the motivation behind the name change is to free herself from her father’s orbit.

Elon Musk’s daughter, a trans woman, was named Xavier Musk at birth, but according to TMZ the 18-year-old has filed in Los Angeles County to have her name legally changed to Vivian Jenna Wilson. The site reports that Wilson’s documents say that part of the reason for the name change is that she wants to be recognized as female. But she writes in the legal documents that the name change is also meant to signify “the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.” The last name Wilson comes from Vivian’s mother — Canadian author and Musk’s first wife, Justine Wilson.

Though it may ultimately be impossible to completely see the world from someone else’s perspective, it doesn’t take a Herculean effort to discover at least one likely reason Elon Musk sees his daughter turning away from him. While the Tesla CEO would have us all believe he’s consistently just a few seconds away from introducing a fleet of unerring self-driving cars as well as building us all a beautiful future on other planets, this stunning Master of the Universe has made it clear he can’t seem to wrap his head around pronouns. Elon Musk’s daughter must have had a pretty awful time a couple of years ago while witnessing her father throwing out nakedly transphobic tweets.

Musk’s narrow-minded take on trans issues reared its ugly head earlier this month in response to a post from author Matt Taibi. Elon Musk’s daughter, among plenty of others, would no doubt take issue with the billionaire writing that “irreversible surgery is the only option” for trans people, when in fact significant percentages of trans men and women do not “medically” transition. You can see the tweet Musk made below.

With Elon Musk making sure his public persona is flavored with transphobia, is it any wonder his daughter wants to distance herself from him? It seems particularly toxic when you consider that the billionaire makes the tweets with, in most likelihood, full knowledge that his daughter will see them. In the wake of Vivian’s court filing, tweets like these — particularly the short-but-to-the-stupid-point “Pronouns suck” — are resurfacing at a time that Musk is already under fire.

It was a month ago, almost to the day, that a bombshell report dropped about alleged sexual misconduct involving Elon Musk and a former SpaceX flight attendant. According to the report — sourced by a friend of the alleged victim — the flight attendant was encouraged to become a licensed masseuse in order to give Musk and other SpaceX executives massages during private flights. During one of these massages, Musk allegedly propositioned the attendant and offered to buy her a horse in return for sexual favors. The attendant reportedly refused and — after believing she was offered fewer work hours because of the refusal — took the matter to a lawyer and was subsequently paid a severance of $250,000 in return for signing a non-disclosure agreement.