Forces Are Aligning To Stop Dwayne Johnson From Being President
Some folks don't want Dwayne Johnson as President.
This article is more than 2 years old

Ever since Donald Trump became the president in 2016, fans of Dwayne Johnson had hoped that the Jumanji star will also try his luck and run for the position of United States President in 2020. Though that didn’t happen, the idea is still very much alive as according to a recently held poll almost half the population of America would vote for Johnson. But apparently, host Stephen Colbert is not exactly on-board with the idea of another celebrity occupying the Oval Office.
During a recent episode of The Late Show, Colbert talked at length about the public opinion poll and the prospect of Dwayne Johnson becoming the president of the United States. “We don’t need another celebrity in the White House! Just ’cause people love something doesn’t mean we should hand it the nuclear codes! That’s why we’ve never elected President Surprise Onion Ring in Your French Fries. Besides, we’ve already had a couple of Presidents Johnson,” the late-night host said.
While his tone was light and his approach was peppered with his usual brand of humor, it was obvious that the host is not in favor of The Rock running for the elections. During his monologue, he explained that even though he too is a big fan of Dwayne Johnson and loves him as much “as the next middle-aged man who loves Fast Cars Go Zoom,” he doesn’t want to see another celebrity in the White House.

In his impassioned speech, Colbert reasoned that just because people like Dwayne Johnson it doesn’t mean he should be made President. Taking another dig at Johnson’s association with the Fast and Furious franchise, the host added that if the actor becomes the president then his administration will be called “2 POTUS 2 Prez: Executive Drift.”
The poll that has re-sparked this particular discussion was recently held by Pipslay wherein around 30,000 people were surveyed. It was found that some 46% of them would happily vote for the former wrestler if he runs for president, which means that if Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson ever decides to take part in the presidential elections, he has a very solid chance at actually winning.
Dwayne Johnson, who has been going back and forth over the possibility of running for the White House for years now, has also responded to the poll and shared that if the people of America want him to be President, then he will do that as his goal is to “unite our country.” But when he plans to turn his words into action are still left to be seen.

This is not the first time that Dwayne Johnson has expressed the wish of running for the U.S. Presidential elections. In 2017, in an interview with GQ, he had shared that he was seriously considering the idea of contesting elections and actually thinking about quitting his career as an actor. Soon after, many jumped to the conclusion that he was going to run for the 2020 elections.
But then in an interview with Vanity Fair in 2018, Dwayne Johnson quashed all the possibilities when he admitted that he will not be making a White House bid in 2020 as his hectic schedule has not given him enough time to prepare for the prestigious and important role. It’s a position that “requires years of hard work and experience to learn the skills” and he still has a lot to learn before even thinking about assuming the role. But at the same time, he assured that he is not outrightly ditching the idea as “it’s something that I seriously considered.”
So, given the recently held poll and Dwayne Johnson’s ever-present wish to be a presidential candidate, is 2024 going to be the year when he will take the big step? And if he does, will he actually win?