Dogs Swarm Man In Wild Animal Attack Video

A disturbing video shared via social media shows a 53-year-old man being attacked and mauled by four dogs at Fairmont Avenue and Union Street in Mantua, Philadelphia. The dog attack took place on Wednesday morning, and thanks to the fast reaction time of a Philadelphia police officer, the attack was stopped, and the victim was transported to the hospital. You can check out the video below:
The dog attack took place on Wednesday morning, and thanks to the fast reaction time of a Philadelphia police officer, the attack was stopped, and the victim was transported to the hospital.
The video shows four dogs attacking a man, with the surrounding people, including a police officer, trying to assist the man and repel the dog attack. However, the Cane Corso, the biggest of the four dogs, exhibited signs of aggression towards surrounding people as well. Arriving, a Philadelphia police officer left his vehicle and opened fire on the attacking animals, killing the Cane Corso and ending the dog attack—unfortunately, the remaining three pit bulls are still at large, and the origins of the dogs and the matter of ownership still hasn’t been resolved.
Following the dog attack, the 53-year-old man was taken to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center for treatment of his wounds, and the police have shared that his condition is stable.
The dog attack in question occurred at approximately 10 am on Wednesday at Fairmount Avenue and Union Street. The patrolling officer near the location was alerted to loose dogs in the area, after which he established visual contact with three pit bulls and one Cane Corso, attacking a man. The officer tried distracting the dogs by activating the sirens, but unfortunately, that proved ineffective. He then left the vehicle and shot at the dogs, killing the Cane Corso. Four shots are heard in the video, but we have no way of knowing how many of those hit their intended target.
This isn’t the only dog attack that has happened in Philadelphia recently.
The dog attack ended, but the remaining pit bulls scattered, while the wounded Cane Corso tried running away before succumbing to his wounds not too far away. Cane Corso dogs are large breeds that are specifically bred as guard dogs, often weighing more than 100 pounds, and can be quite aggressive toward anything they perceive as a threat, which is why they often require proper training and socialization to prevent inappropriate aggression.

Following the dog attack, the 53-year-old man was taken to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center for treatment of his wounds, and the police have shared that his condition is stable. The officer, whose name hasn’t been shared, wasn’t hurt but didn’t have his body camera on at the time of the attack. As per Philly police policy, he was placed on administrative leave because the shooting is under investigation.
This isn’t the only dog attack that has happened in Philadelphia recently. Just a few days back, one called and told the police that dogs were chasing children when they got off the school bus, stating that it was an ongoing issue. That particular incident resulted in one dog being shot—all of which was captured on a dashboard camera. Though stray dogs seem to be an issue in any urban center, it would seem that Philadelphia is having a particular problem.
Recently, there was another situation in Charlotte, North Carolina, in which actress Angie Harmon’s dog was shot by a delivery driver. Dog-related shootings have been spiking, with little to no rhyme or reason as to why.