Coca-Cola Is Changing One Of Its Most Popular Recipes
Coca-Cola is making a change to one of their favorite flavors.
This article is more than 2 years old

With the different variants of Coca-Cola, people have their own preferences of what they like to drink. So if you are a fan of Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, it is about to change. The can will get slightly altered along with the taste and the flavor will be more like the classic Coke everyone knows.
The move stems from wanting the drink to taste like the original and shifting on its trademarked products, like discontinuing 200 drink brands. By changing Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, it can potentially attract more people to the product. While it is popular, CEO James Quincey said the soda “represents a relatively small percentage” of its consumer base.
The previous design consisted of a red can with “Coca-Cola” in white and “Zero Sugar” in black with a black overlay above the text. It is going to a simpler aesthetic with a purely red can with all black text. The new can will hit the United States this month, and Canada will start in August with full distribution in September. Some international markets throughout South America and Europe have the newly branded Zero Sugar, while others will still wait on it.

For the U.S., it is uncertain how the ingredients are changing outside of it, enhancing it to have a closer resemblance to the original. The new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar is described to be “more refreshing and delicious” without any additional details on why it will taste that way. CNN reported that the two resemble one another, with the newer one being “slightly sweeter and fuller.” However the company is achieving this, both markets in Canada and the U.S. will have the same recipe as aspartame, and acesulfame K are the sweeteners used. International markets will differ as laws dictating legalized ingredients often make manufacturers change tactics when developing products. We can only guarantee it will not taste like Peeps.
For American consumers, New Yorkers were some of the first to get a taste of the adjusted Coca-Cola Zero Sugar on July 13 as the company attended Manhattanhenge, a day where the sun rises or sets along the east-west streets of Manhatten to create a stunning view. People coming to take a look at the scenery got their hands on the fizzy diet drink to see how it compared to its previous iteration.
Hostile reactions can come from fans when their beloved product changes any aspect. Over 35 years later, people still recall back to the 1985 controversy where The Coca-Cola Company released “New Coke,” a sweeter version of the original that used corn syrup.

This is not the first change for Zero Sugar, as people who drink this variation of the soda remember its original name, Coca-Cola Zero. In 2017, the name change came with a makeover to its can design as it got rid of the mostly black for the iteration that people grew to knew until now. It was met with a mixed reception like this latest shakeup. While other companies in the food and drink industry struggle during 2020 and 2021, the soda manufacturer’s sales boosted throughout the pandemic. We will have to wait and see how the alterations will affect the diet soda.