Celebrities Are Getting Bizarre Facial Treatments With The Grossest Part Of Fish

By TeeJay Small | Published

Hollywood is loaded with public figures, actors, and other forward-facing individuals who seek out droves of elective surgeries to prevent themselves from aging before our very eyes. While most procedures include the use of anti-aging creams and makeup, the occasional facial tuck, or even liposuction surgery, others are a bit more elaborate or experimental. One new treatment, as outlined in a write-up from The Guardian, is being called the “celebrity fish facial,” as it entails injecting sperm from a salmon directly into the facial tissue.

Kim Kardashian And More Getting Celebrity Fish Facials

Needless to say, many people in the general public have regarded the celebrity fish facial as supremely bizarre. What does the process accomplish, and who exactly is the psychopath who first discovered its use?

Per The Guardian, A-list figures, including Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian, have been undergoing this procedure and raving about the positive skincare results.

The latter even openly spoke about the celebrity fish facial on an episode of her reality TV show The Kardashians, while sitting across from her own mother. As Kardashian describes it, “I got a salmon sperm facial. With salmon sperm injected into my face.”

Rewire Collagen And Blood Vessels

The process, which is also known as polynucleotide treatment, serves as a means to rewire the production of collagen and blood vessels under the skin, which helps to promote better hydration, clear pores, and brighter, healthier skin tone.

Plastic surgeons who apply the celebrity fish facial have spoken to its efficacy, calling it an overall boost to the health of your facial skin and tissue. Salmon sperm was specifically chosen for the process due to its high concentration of DNA, and surprising compatibility with the human body.

Still, you’d hate to learn mid-process that you have an allergy to this sort of thing, as it’s likely already a little awkward to discuss with your peers.

An Expensive Procedure

Whether this process is better than utilizing simple lotions and face cleansing creams remains to be seen- though it has received glowing reviews from a few Hollywood personalities. Still, it’s hard to justify the price tag for the celebrity fish facial, which will run you somewhere between $500 to $1,000 per session.

Also, and this is crucial, the process requires you to have needles full of fish sperm poking into your face, which sounds like the single most unpleasant medical experience since House went off the air.

Not A New Fad

Surprisingly, the celebrity fish facial isn’t even a new fad, as the process has apparently been popular in certain parts of Europe and Korea for nearly a decade.

Still, it sounds like the sort of thing that might lead to a class action lawsuit down the line- especially since the FDA has not approved the practice within the United States.

Celebrity Fish Facials Are Here To Stay?

While things like the Diddy sex trafficking case, the Kendrick Lamar and Drake beef, and the 2024 presidential election have dominated our news cycle with insanity, you probably never could have imagined having “facial injections of fish sperm” on your year-end Bingo sheet.

Still, the celebrity fish facial is guaranteed to permeate the upper echelon of the Hollywood elite, as long as it continues to see endorsements from the likes of Kim Kardashian.

Source: The Guardian