Labradors Are No Longer America’s Favorite Dog Breed, Loses #1 Spot After Three Decades

According to Upworthy, Labrador Retrievers are no longer America’s favorite dog breed. The top dog is the little dog with a playful heart: French Bulldogs have taken over as the most popular pure breed dog in the US, replacing Labrador Retrievers, who held the top spot for 31 years. Interestingly enough, while being the most popular breed of dogs in America, it also had the biggest percentage of bites—not surprising, considering their numbers.
French Bulldogs Have Dethroned Labradors

Labrador Retriever was America’s favorite dog breed for a very long time, with a rather massive cinematic library dedicated to Labrador Retrievers. Furthermore, their appearance in nearly every family-friendly cinematic and television release that features a canine role is perhaps the most telling piece of evidence where America’s feelings towards retrievers are involved.
However, the newest rankings are just in, and apparently, the French Bulldog is the new king of the playground, based on the nearly 716,000 dogs newly registered in 2022.
The Number Of French Bulldogs Registered In The US Has Risen 1,000%

The rise of the French Bulldog isn’t a novelty. America’s favorite dog has moved into the number one position after steadily climbing the ranks over the past decade, and its registrations have increased by over 1,000 percent (yes, the number is correct) since 2012, bringing the breed from ranking #14 to ranking #1.
More commonly known as Frenchie, the Bulldog is a small and compact breed, capable of adapting to various different lifestyles, making it perfect for people all across the country. They’re loved by everyone, ranging from single owners to families.
The Pros And Cons Of Owning French Bulldogs

America’s favorite dog—the new one—is quite charming and adaptable, which is why the breed surged in popularity. Their small size and generally quiet demeanor make them a good fit for apartments and smaller homes. Not to mention that they’re playful and really adorable.
However, there are several downsides to this breed, as it’s known for being rife with health problems, so much so that the Journal of Canine Medicine and Genetics noted that French Bulldogs have a higher chance of being diagnosed with up to 20 common disorders than almost all other dog breeds.
French Bulldogs Don’t Require A Lot Of Outdoor Play

These are most commonly associated with unethical breeding practices that have resulted in America’s favorite dog’s extreme body shape, which almost always guarantees that all French Bulldogs are born by C-section. But all of that is overshadowed by the fact that they’re adaptable and really awesome watchdogs that don’t actually require a ton of outdoor activity—which is really the breed’s main selling point for dog-loving residents of metropolitan areas. Imagine having something like an Illyrian Shepard Dog in your tiny apartment; it would be an absolute mess.
Other Breeds Climbing The Ranks

Other breeds, besides America’s favorite dog, that have made major jumps in recent years include American Hairless Terrier, Gordon Setter, Italian Greyhound, and Anatolian Shepherd Dog. Over the last decade, breeds like the Cane Corso, Belgian Malinois, Giant Schnauzer, and English Cocker Spaniel have been making their way up the rankings in popularity, as well.
On the bottom of the list, however, are Sloughi, Norwegian Lundehund, and English Foxhound. So, the only thing missing now is a dog movie about a French Bulldog.