Jim Carrey Comedy Classic Finally Finds New Streaming Home

By TeeJay Small | Published

Several months ago, I wrote about my love for the classic 2003 movie Bruce Almighty starring Jim Carrey and argued that the film is one of his finest works ever committed to the screen. At the time, the film was not streaming on any major service, which I found to be a crime tantamount to besieging a city and starving its inhabitants.

Luckily, the god of movie development heard my prayers, and the powers that be have placed Bruce Almighty on Amazon Prime Video, allowing fans far and wide to finally rewatch this classic with modern eyes.

Jim Carrey In Bruce Almighty

For those not in the know, Bruce Almighty is an absolutely bonkers film in which Jim Carrey’s titular Bruce Nolan takes on god-like powers after blaspheming his creator for testing his faith.

It’s a little bit like the biblical story of Job, if Job was given a shot at being God for a day instead of having his entire family and farm destroyed.

If you’ve ever heard a joke that suggests the voice of God would sound like Morgan Freeman, that idea almost certainly sprang forth from this movie.

Bruce Almighty Story

jim carrey

The narrative of Bruce Almighty opens with the title character, who works as a field reporter for a local news agency. Though he has dreams of eventually becoming a lead anchor, he is constantly undermined at work, and passed over in favor for his more charismatic rival, Evan.

Evan, who is portrayed hilariously by Steve Carell, would eventually get his own “come to Jesus” moment in a 2007 sequel film titled Evan Almighty.

Hitting Rock Bottom?

jim carrey bruce almighty

One day, Bruce has a mental breakdown while covering a live news story and explodes into an on-air tantrum, which ultimately costs him his job.

When he departs the station, he is jumped by a gang of local thugs before going home and blowing up at his girlfriend, making her question why she tolerates his miserable attitude.

As Bruce Almighty continues, Bruce continues to curse god for crafting his “mediocre life” and even demands that the so-called “all-mighty smiter” stop toying with him and end his misery once and for all.

Morgan Freeman As God

Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey jim carrey bruce almighty

God, as expertly portrayed by Morgan Freeman, takes this insult personally and offers Bruce nigh unlimited power of his own for a brief period in order to demonstrate just how difficult it is to serve as the all-powerful creator of the universe.

After a few humorous sequences in which Bruce abuses his almighty powers, the film pivots into sentimental territory, as Bruce learns a valuable lesson about free will and personal accountability.

Streaming Bruce Almighty

jim carrey bruce almighty

The result is an absolutely hilarious and unbelievably fun final product, which allows Jim Carrey plenty of room for his trademark improvisation and off-the-wall physical comedy.

A few running gags from this film have even made their way into my day-to-day vernacular, and I’ve never been able to spell the word “beautiful” without thinking about Bruce Nolan’s sing-songy delivery of the word.

If the religious angle of Bruce Almighty isn’t your thing, there’s still plenty to enjoy about the film, as it doesn’t go out of its way to shove any actual bible stuff down your throat.

Now that Bruce Almighty is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, you should definitely do yourself a favor and check it out!