Iconic 90’s Sitcom Star Claims The Show Destroyed Vocal Cords

By TeeJay Small | Published

Many of us likely have fond memories of classic sitcoms of the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s, despite a few salacious behind-the-scenes tales of controversy and scandal. According to a recent write-up in Cracked, Family Matters star Jaleel White has confessed that doing the Steve Urkel voice throughout the show destroyed his vocal cords for many years, leaving his fans devastated.

Apparently, White was never provided a vocal coach to help him navigate his nasally delivery as his voice naturally changed with puberty, resulting in lasting damage caused by straining his vocal cords for years on end.

Jaleel White Sought Medical Attention

family matters steve

As Jaleel White explained during a recent convention appearance in Dayton Beach, Florida, performing the Urkel voice became more and more difficult as his voice naturally dropped, resulting in significant strain by the time Family Matters wrapped up in 1998. White claims that he sought medical help after the series ended, wherein a doctor explained that he should have been outfitted with a vocal coach or linguistic expert to help him safely navigate the tones necessary for his performance.

Today, vocal coaches, intimacy coordinators, and other specialized jobs are a near requirement on all sets, though the lax rules and laws of the 1990s allowed ABC and other network interests to neglect this crucial expense.

Felt Like He Was Losing It

family matters

Specifically, Jaleel White said of the Urkel voice “during puberty I spoke at the same pitch for extended periods of time. If the pitch had been going all over the place I wouldn’t have damaged it quite as much… I felt like I was really losing it.” White was a focal point for the entire show, which regularly ran seasons consisting of more than 25 episodes annually.

The Iconic Voice Took A Toll On White

steve urkel

While Jaleel White is instantly recognizable the world over for playing Steve Urkel, and delivering his classic catch phrase “did I do that?” in his high-pitched voice, the character of Urkel was originally meant to be quite minor. Like many sitcoms of its day, however, Family Matters shifted direction as it entered its second season and beyond, increasingly resting the show on White as his character became a bigger and bigger sensation. This was all well and good while the actor was a young man of single-digit age, though it began to take a toll on him as he reached puberty.

No Regrets

Luckily, Jaleel White has reached a full recovery from his injuries sustained while doing the Urkel voice, though he spent many years concerned that his development would be forever stunted. Now 47 years of age, White regularly seeks medical advice and vocal coaching to ensure that he doesn’t damage his voice again.

While he describes the entire process as being quite scary and overwhelming, the actor claims that he has fond memories of his time on the show, and wouldn’t do anything differently if he could go back.

Check Out Family Matters Streaming


Still, you can imagine the shock and horror that Jaleel White must have first encountered when he was told that the Urkel voice had caused lasting damage to his speech. If his tenure on the iconic sitcom is any indication, he likely turned to the doctor and exclaimed “did I do that?” possibly to raucous applause.

For those that aren’t aware of Family Matters, the show is currently available to stream on Hulu, just in case you’re interested in watching a young man progressively injure himself further and further with high-pitched screeches and over-the-top catch phrases.

Source: Cracked