Sinéad O’Connor Official Cause Of Death Finally Revealed

By Christopher Isaac | Published

It was only a year ago that news shocked the world of musician Sinéad O’Connor suddenly passing away at the age of 56. At the time that she died, details of the cause were not shared, other than it being made clear that there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death and that it appeared to be natural causes. Today we learn that the exact cause was in part from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD.

Closure On O’Connor’s Untimely Passing

Sinéad O'Connor

The news comes as Sinéad O’Connor’s former husband, John Reynolds, formally registered her death last week. On the death certificate it specifically details that she passed away as a result of “exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma together with low grade lower respiratory tract infection.” While it does not bring the singer back, for some of her fans, perhaps it is a relief to have answers as to what took her away so much sooner than what everyone was expecting.

Controversies And Legacy

Sinéad O'Connor

While Sinéad O’Connor made a deliberate choice to withdraw from the public eye following severe backlash for her criticism of the Catholic Church, she is not a figure that many have forgotten. As time passed and people reevaluated her message, many came to view her as brave for speaking out against corruption despite the damage it did to her rising career.

In recent years, many have felt the severity of how Sinéad O’Connor was treated following her controversial statements was unjust and that she in fact deserved to be praised for using her platform in such a way. When news broke of her passing away last year, many condemned the reaction she received years ago for sharing her beliefs, and her legacy was praised by fans.

Nothing Compares Documentary

Sinéad O'Connor

Part of Sinéad O’Connor’s reevaluation in the public eye was something she was able to enjoy while she was still alive, thanks to the 2022 documentary Nothing Compares that focused on her life and rise to fame. The film heralded O’Connor as one of Ireland’s most bold and iconic musicians.

In honor of the anniversary of Sinéad O’Connor’s passing, the director of Nothing Compares, Kathryn Ferguson, made the film available to stream for free for one week starting on July 26th. Ferguson stated that her intention in doing so was so that “Now, everyone can watch it and honor Sinéad’s extraordinary talent and her unwavering commitment to standing up for the oppressed.”

The Impact of O’Connor’s Passing

Sinéad O'Connor

Unfortunately, Sinéad O’Connor’s passing last year was not the only recent tragedy that her family had experienced of late. The year prior, in 2022, O’Connor’s son Shane died at the age of 17 as a result of suicide. The timing of O’Connor’s death a year later initially made some fans fear that the grief of his loss had become too much for her to bear. So one source of relief from the whole situation has been to learn that it was simply an illness that caused O’Connor’s passing.

Her Music Lives On Forever

Sinéad O'Connor

With Sinéad O’Connor’s cause of death now publicly known and her legacy restored as the public eye has grown more compassionate towards her, perhaps this is what was needed to now give many of her fans closure. She is survived by her three children, and she is remembered fondly by fans of her music.