James Gunn Releases Official Superman Logo

By Christopher Isaac | Published

james gunn superman

It took such a long time for the DCEU to collapse following its start with 2013’s Man of Steel, and yet the rebooted version is already almost back in gear. We are officially less than one year removed before the James Gunn led version of the DCU hits the screens, starting with 2025’s Superman. To commemorate the occasion, Gunn took to Instagram to unveil the official new logo that his Superman will be wearing.

The New Logo

james gunn superman

James Gunn’s take on Superman has been an interesting mixture between harkening back to the classic Superman look of decades gone by, combined with some modern touches.

You can definitely see that in the logo, which uses brighter colors than the darker scheme that Henry Cavill’s version of the character wore. But then the iconic S has also been tweaked, making it less overtly a match for the English alphabet to better signify that Superman is from an alien planet and his symbol merely has a slight resemblance to an S.

Not Everyone Is A Fan

The images we have seen from production showcasing Superman’s costume also show this past meets future blend of styles. James Gunn’s Superman retains the red trunks that classic Superman was originally so well-known for, but it also adds new flourishes to the costume.

For the first time in live-action, Superman now has a higher collar to his costume, similar to what Batman is known for wearing.

The logo itself is proving somewhat divisive with fans, with some liking the new twist while others feeling Gunn should not have messed with what was already working. If nothing else, it shows that James Gunn is not afraid to take some risks with his version of Superman by making the character distinctively his own

Early Fan Reaction Often Changes

joker origin

Even if some fans are not on board with the changes currently, that does not mean they can not be swayed later on. Plenty of superhero movies have initially had fans feeling iffy about choices that were being made, such as initial reactions to Heath Ledger being cast as The Joker in The Dark Knight.

And now Ledger’s performance is arguably the most iconic version of The Joker. So James Gunn can certainly win fans over on his design choices if his Superman movie proves solid.

Gunn Has Proven Himself

Obviously the producers must also have a lot of trust in Gunn’s direction since there have not been any reports of studio meddling thus far.

James Gunn seems to have earned a lot of good will with his successful Guardians of the Galaxy films for Marvel as well as The Suicide Squad for DC, so studio executives likely are feeling confident allowing him leeway to make this version of Superman his own.

2025 Isn’t That Far Away

While Zack Snyder’s take on Superman definitely had a strong and vocal number of supporters, critically and financially the movies failed to live up to expectations.

Many fans had actually been hoping Henry Cavill might be one of the actors retained from the DCEU over into the rebooted universe of films, but James Gunn made it clear he wants to do something totally original with Superman now.

It is not much longer now before fans will be able to see how James Gunn’s Superman holds up. The movie releases July 11, 2025.