Ridley Scott Regrets Multiple Sequels He Couldn’t Direct And It’s Not His Fault

By TeeJay Small | Published

Auteur filmmakers often reach a point in their career where they have regrets, often regarding projects that couldn’t be squeezed into their busy schedules or films that never got off the ground due to budgeting issues. Even Ridley Scott has regrets about his storied career, despite being one of the most celebrated filmmakers of his entire generation. Ridley Scott laments the fact that he never helmed direct sequels to some of his most famous films, due to the fact that he lacked the Hollywood pull to retain the rights to a few of his biggest franchises.

Ridley Scott’s Missed Opportunities

Ridley Scott described his plight in a recent interview while promoting his upcoming Gladiator sequel. According to the filmmaker, he felt that he was given no choice but to step down from franchises such as Alien and Blade Runner, as they were some of the first ever projects in his long and fruitful career. Specifically, Scott explained “I’m the author of two franchises. Most directors in Hollywood—certainly, let’s say, at my level—don’t let that stuff go.”

Moving Forward Was The Best Move

Ridley Scott wasn’t given a chance to be directly involved in sequel efforts for either Alien or Blade Runner, and apparently wasn’t even told about the production of Aliens or Blade Runner 2049 until after the projects had already been assigned to James Cameron and Denis Villeneuve respectively. As a young up-and-comer in the Hollywood industry, Scott was deeply unhappy about these developments, but didn’t push back too hard against the studio machine for fear that he would be blacklisted and labelled as difficult.

Instead, Ridley Scott took these sequel losses on the chin, and kept on moving, helming such efforts as 2000’s Gladiator, 2001’s Black Hawk Down, and 2015’s The Martian. In fact, even without the sequels to some of his biggest efforts, Scott’s catalogue is undeniably stacked with staggering successes, proving that he was always destined to have massive success as a filmmaker. Today, the acclaimed director touts over 60 directing credits on IMDb, and more than 100 credits as a producer.

Welcome To Hollywood

movie set

Still, it’s a bit odd that the studio partners behind hits such as Alien and Blade Runner wouldn’t ask Ridley Scott to return for the respective sequels, especially considering Scott’s brilliance was so integral to the success of the initial installments. The Napoleon director pitched two possible ideas for spinoff sequels within the Blade Runner universe shortly after the success of the film, though neither were selected for production at the time. Today, Scott refers to this experience as his “Welcome to Hollywood” period, humorously lambasting the frustrating nature of the industry.

You Can’t Stop The Scott

Now, it seems that Ridley Scott has acquired enough recognition and respect that he can revisit any franchise he chooses with a sequel effort. This is best evidenced by his decision to helm the upcoming Gladiator 2 movie, starring Denzel Washington, Pedro Pascal, Djimon Hounsou, and more. The film is getting exceptional press from early screenings and preview footage, leading some fans to believe that the outing will be Scott’s finest work in years.

An Upcoming Sequel Worth Watching

While it certainly came as a surprise to many fans that Ridley Scott was developing a sequel to the decades-old Gladiator franchise, the gamble certainly seems to be paying off. The film is set to premiere globally on November 22, for those interested in seeing the beloved filmmaker prove that he can stick the landing in the second leg of a franchise.

Source: Vanity Fair