Morgan Freeman Attacks AI Impersonators

By Jacob VanGundy | Published

Morgan Freeman is the latest celebrity to make a statement against AI being used to imitate him. He’s particularly concerned with the ways people are recreating his iconic voice, calling the practice a scam and thanking fans for bringing attention to the issue. While he’s the latest celebrity to run into problems with the new technology, it’s been an ongoing hot-button issue both in and out of Hollywood in recent months. 

Grifters Cashing In On His Name

Videos using AI versions of Morgan Freeman’s voice have gone viral on TikTok, which is likely why the problem came to the actor’s attention. The actor’s distinct voice, which has led to him being hired for voice-over work throughout his career, is the perfect target for such imitation because it’s so recognizable. The most high-profile example was TikTok user Justine, who used the technology to convince people she was the actor’s niece in a viral vlog series. 

Morgan Freeman made his stance on AI clear with a brief tweet. Most of his response centered around thanking fans for calling out the impersonation as fake and highlighting the importance of authenticity. However, he concluded his tweet with “#AI #scam #imitation #IdentityProtection.”

Other Celebrities Have A.I. Problems

Morgan Freeman may be the latest victim of celebrity AI voice imitation but he’s far from the only one to run into the problem. Scarlett Johanson is currently in a legal dispute with OpenAi over a personal assistant they made called Sky which seems to use an imitation of her voice after she refused to work with them. Drake has found himself on the other end of the controversy after using AI-generated recreations of Tupac and Snoop Dogg on a recent album. 

A.I. Is Upending Social Media

While Morgan Freeman’s AI problems have been centered around his voice, other controversies have arisen around how the new technology is being used to recreate different aspects of celebrities. In January, AI-generated scandalous images of Taylor Swift emerged on social media, causing a major controversy. A comedy routine supposedly written by AI designed to imitate George Carlin also became controversial earlier this year, though the creators later denied using the technology. 

Growing Concern

AI imitations of celebrities like Morgan Freeman have become the main focus of the controversy around emerging technology, but they have also caused problems in other areas of society. Visual artists have pointed out that generative AI uses art assets from around the web to create images, functionally stealing work. There is also a concern that the new technology will displace workers in multiple fields, creating an aura of anxiety around the topic. 

Regulations Are Needed

morgan freeman

The issue has united artists in calling for Congress to legislate AI to mitigate the harm it can do through imitation, creative theft, and other problems. It’s become obvious that everyone from public figures like Morgan Freeman to cartoonists could have their lives upended by the technology. Despite the high demand for legislation, the US government has been slow to act on the issue, likely due to uncertainty about how the new technology works. 

AI is one of the biggest issues of 2024, and the widespread use of Morgan Freeman’s imitated voice illustrates why. It raises new concerns over potential scams, identity theft, and creative rights. There are certainly valid uses for the technology, but celebrities are right to be concerned about how individuals and companies use it.