Vulcan Ale Is Perfect For Any Star Trek Fan
Star Trek has existed for decades, and that means there will be a lot of franchise-related goods around as well. It’s just the way things work in the world of marketing.
Around the time that Star Trek Into Darkness was hitting theaters back in 2013. That’s around the time that all we were drinking was something a little Vulcan-related. Maybe something Spock would have partaken in himself.
Luckily, Canadian beer distributor Delancey Direct was working with Montreal’s Harvest Moon Brewing Company here to solve all of our officially licensed beer problems.
They teamed up with CBS Studios to bring a variety of Star Trek brews to fans and imbibers alike. First up will be the “mind-melding good” Vulcan Ale, a 5.4 percent ABV Irish Red ale, much like what Smithwick’s or Killean’s is known for.
In fact, the companies’ creation of the boozy tie-in was inspired by the centennial celebration of province town Vulcan, Alberta. Incidentally, Vulcan is slowly becoming the Trek-themed town that you should already be visiting.
This isn’t just a one-off deal either. Each year will equal a “season,” while the different beers released are referred to as “episodes.” As such, Vulcan Ale is the first product in what should be a three- to five-episode season.
They planned on unloading a Klingon beer in the four or five months after, followed by a third beer that hasn’t been announced yet. And before you start wondering, Romulan Ale is already planned to be a second-season release.
“We also hope to release a series of limited beers throughout the seasons as well,” said the project manager Richard Weger. “It will all fall under the ‘Federation of Beers’ banner.”
At first there was only a Canadian option for Vulcan Ale but Wagner chimed it, “Rest assured we have not forgotten our American friends.” An American roll-out is tentatively scheduled for next year.
In case you were wondering why an Irish ale was chosen to represent the vastly un-Irish Vulcans, Berger explained, “In Star Trek mythology, the planet Vulcan is a red planet. Thus, an Irish Red would be the logical choice.” Of course. Whatever you do, don’t forget to keep it in a koozie and prosper.