Nicolas Cage Is Gunning For Star Trek

By Jeffrey Rapaport | Published

nicolas cage

It’s time to seriously consider the possibility of Nicolas Cage playing Star Trek’s Captain James Kirk. Indeed, in an intriguing turn of events—one sure to excite fans across the galaxy—the Oscar-winning actor voiced a fervent, legitimate interest in joining the iconic franchise.

While snagging a Saturn Award for his performance as Dracula in Renfield, Cage described himself as a Trekkie and referenced ongoing (albeit obscure) talks in the industry about his potential contribution to the Trek universe. 

Nicolas Cage Is A Trekkie From Childhood

Obviously, we would be very excited to see Cage try his hand at the franchise, especially given the actor is one of the many high-profile celebrities who are self-avowed Star Trek fans.

To hear Nicolas Cage tell it, his connection to Star Trek stems from a childhood spent watching the original series’ legendary characters Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. McCoy.

The actor voiced admiration for Trek’s unmatchable blend of adventurous storytelling , alongside its commitment to socially relevant commentary. 

Not A Fan Of Star Wars

nicolas cage

Indeed, Cage is a full-blown Trekkie—but don’t mistake him for a Star Wars Stan, however.

The actor expressed a disinterest in that franchise last year (shots fired!). However, his enthusiasm for Kirk, Enterprise, and the franchise’s narrative wisdom and depth is palpable.

This revelation comes on the heels of Nicolas Cage commending Chris Pine’s role as Captain Kirk in J.J. Abrams’ modern Star Trek productions.

Because Cage considered those films “outstanding,” his voiced admiration sparked conversations with Paramount Pictures about his own prospective role in an upcoming Star Trek movie. 

Nicolas Cage Has Heard Rumors

Cage volunteered that, yes, he has heard rumors—talk from insiders at Paramount–about his own involvement in a Trek project. However, the actor was quick to emphasize that nothing is certain. 

Thus, excited as fans may be–and while discussions have been initiated–because nothing concrete has been decided, Cage only struts the bridge as Kirk in the realm of fantasy. 

For now. 

Wants To Be On The Bridge

star trek walter koenig

But rest assured, if Nicolas Cage does satisfy all our greatest desires and finds himself in a Star Trek production, he has his sights set on the heart of the action. The actor did not mince words, stating afflictively and emphatically that he wants to be both “on the bridge” and “on the Enterprise.” 

He also dismissed the idea of playing a villainous character, instead preferring to join the ranks of Starfleet’s finest aboard the most famous starship in the federation, the icon of sci-fi rivaling even the Millennium Falcon, the USS Enterprise. 

Star Trek Plans

Currently, Paramount Pictures is developing two Star Trek feature films under producer J.J. Abrams’ stewardship.

The first is a direct sequel to 2016’s Star Trek Beyond; expect it to conclude the Kelvin universe saga and narratives involving its established cast, including notable lead Chris Pine

Nicolas Cage And Star Trek

nicolas cage

Meanwhile, a second project, directed by Toby Haynes, aims to delve into the franchise’s origins. It could offer a fresh narrative avenue accommodating Nicolas Cage’s Star Trek ambitions—although the actor would, as mentioned, probably prefer to play the Kirk we all know and love. 

As the Star Trek universe continues to expand, the possibility of Cage contributing his creative efforts is tantalizing indeed. 

We’d love to see it.  
