Star Wars Leading Man Says He’s Done With The Franchise
One of the best new Star Wars actors has revealed they are completely done with the franchise, which makes sense, but is still disappointing.
This article is more than 2 years old

The Star Wars universe is certainly changing, and it seems as though stories are starting to take more of an older timeline approach. Well, that’s to say that most of the timeline is attempting to get away from directly being involved in the Skywalker Saga. Most fans have wanted to see some of the newest trilogy characters return though, such as Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron. However, one of the franchise’s other leading men has stated that he is done. John Boyega will not return to Star Wars. The actor was recently interviewed, and he spoke about his feelings about returning. According to Boyega, “At this point, I’m cool off it. I’m good off it.” You can part of the interview below:
It is quite upsetting that John Boyega will not return to Star Wars, but we understand why. The entire universe seems to be going through a big change, and it would be odd to bring in Finn and Poe Dameron if the franchise is going to be getting away from the Skywalker Saga. Sure, they were some of the best parts of the newer trilogy, but that story seems to have concluded. They would have to be part of another timeline that takes us through to where Daisy Ridley has restarted the Jedi Order and is now training new children in the ways of the Force. This is speculation, but that would make sense as to why Finn and Poe would return. Poe could theoretically return in his own series. We could find out more about how he joined the Rebellion.
John Boyega has been plenty critical of Star Wars, as he details in the above video. The racism felt by him, Kelly Marie Tran, and recently Moses Ingram is not helping things at all. Even Ewan McGregor had to speak up against those who were being overtly racist about Ingram portraying the Third Sister in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. We can’t imagine that anyone would want to return to a franchise that has people ready to say such horrible things. Granted, there are millions of fans that are not like that, but it doesn’t help when someone of color is cast and is hit with tons of negativity.
John Boyega leaving Star Wars makes sense, and he is now dead set on pursuing acting roles that mean something to him. The man spoke in the above video about Jamie Foxx becoming an ally, and now he is set to star alongside Foxx in a thriller called The Cloned Tyrone. He also recently starred in Breaking, which focuses on a war veteran who tries to reinsert himself back into civilian life.
Although John Boyega is done with Star Wars, we might still be reminded of Finn when the franchise chooses to go beyond the time period of the last trilogy. For now, the man is busy and choosing roles that matter more to him. We certainly wish him all the success in the world, and he has plenty of new films upcoming that we are excited about.