See Matthew McConaughey Transformed Into Spider-Man’s Green Goblin
Matthew McConaughey done up liek the villainous Green Goblin? you know you wanna see it!

Matthew McConaughey is one huge actor that has never been a part of a Marvel film. At this point, it seems like almost every major actor is working within the Marvel Cinematic Universe in some way or another. From massive legends like Robert Redford and Glenn Close to exciting up-and-comers like Letitia Wright and Zendaya, Marvel has a gigantic corral of great actors already within the MCU.
Marvel has tried to court Matthew McConaughey in the past, offering him a part in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, but the actor turned it down to do The Dark Tower instead (that didn’t work out well). In fact, Matthew McConaughey rarely does giant blockbusters, but that hasn’t stopped Marvel from trying. In an interview with Playboy in 2017, McConaughey said of joining the MCU, “I liked Guardians of the Galaxy, but what I saw was ‘It’s successful, and now we’ve got room to make a colorful part for another big-name actor.”
Matthew McConaughey has never made it clear which part he would’ve played in James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, as it’s likely a character that didn’t make it into the film. Yet illustrator Jackson Caspersz has created what he thinks McConaughey would look like as one of Marvel’s biggest villains, the Green Goblin.
Caspersz’s take on the character seems more futuristic looking, almost like one of the MCU’s Skrulls, and with a pumpkin bomb clutched in his hand. One would imagine that Matthew McConaughey would be playing the character as Norman Osborn.
Marvel’s collaborations with Sony for their take on the Spider-Man series has already provided significant stars for the parts of their villains. In 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, Michael Keaton played Adrian Toomes, who became the Vulture, while in 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, Jake Gyllenhaal portrayed Quentin Beck’s Mysterio.
But at this point, it seems more like an inevitability that the Green Goblin will appear in the MCU at some point, as the character has appeared in the two other versions of this franchise. In Sam Raimi’s original trilogy, Willem Dafoe played Norman Osborne, who would become the Green Goblin, while James Franco as Harold Osborn would take up his father’s mantle in Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3.
In Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 films, Chris Cooper played Norman, yet never became the Green Goblin, a position which would be taken up his son Harold, played by Dane DeHaan.
The villain team, The Sinister Six, has long been hinted at in the MCU, and with Keaton reprising his role as Toomes/Vulture in the upcoming Morbius, not to mention other previous Sinister Six members like Mysterio, Venom and the aforementioned Morbius all existing in this universe already, it makes sense that the Green Goblin could soon make his debut in the MCU. Whether or not it will be played by Matthew McConaughey is pure speculation at this point, but Caspersz’s drawing certainly makes it look like a compelling choice or the part.