Donald Sutherland Sci-Fi Horror Is The Best Remake Ever, Stream Without Netflix Right Now

By Christopher Isaac | Updated

invasion of the body snatchers

It is a rare thing for a remake to be able to surpass the original version of a movie that was already popular. Sometimes it really is just best to realize you can’t mess with the classics and to not even bother trying. So it says something pretty incredible that Donald Sutherland’s version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers has become the definitive version of the classic story.

The Body Snatchers

invasion of the body snatchers

Based on Jack Finney’s 1955 novel The Body Snatchers, this story gave the sci-fi genre one of its most recognized and beloved pieces of fiction ever. The novel itself has actually been directly adapted four times, plus the inspiration for countless other movies and books.

However, the 1978 Invasion of the Body Snatchers starring Donald Sutherland still stands as the most iconic version in many people’s eyes.

The Invasion

donald sutherland

The story focuses on an invasion of aliens from another planet that wind up scattered around the Earth in a form resembling plant-like pods. In actuality, these pods contain the aliens which target humans when they are sleeping to kill and replace them with a clone that appears identical in every way, except the copies lack humanity.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers focuses on Donald Sutherland’s character Matthew, who is one of the first to realize what is happening and the danger that the entire world is in.

It Could Be Anyone

It is a very tense movie because the threat is not obvious, even to the audience. Anybody in the movie could have been taken over by the pod people, leaving the characters in a relentless state of paranoia.

And while the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers already dealt with some disturbing themes, this remake with Donald Sutherland dials up the dark, disturbing nature of the situation.

Anyone who has seen the movie will remember the iconic scene of the main characters encountering a body snatching gone wrong, resulting in a dog with a human face. Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a bleak film, with Donald Sutherland’s character eventually realizing how little opportunity there is for humanity to survive this invasion.

He and the other humans can do their best to blend in with the pod people’s behavior, but they have to sleep eventually, and that will leave them vulnerable to being assimilated.

The Ending

The ending of the movie is also iconic, with the closing moments being one of the most memorable movie endings ever created. This remake is so well done that Kevin McCarthy, who played the protagonist in the 1956 film, even has a cameo in it lending a pretty strong endorsement to passing the torch.

And with Donald Sutherland’s recent passing, now is a great opportunity to revisit his best films, which Invasion of the Body Snatchers would have to rank near the top.

Stream It Now

donald sutherland

Best of all, you do not even currently need any kind of subscription to a streaming service to watch this expertly-made remake. Through services like Freevee, you can watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers completely for free and see some of Donald Sutherland’s best work. Younger viewers might think of The Hunger Games when they hear Sutherland’s name, but he was already appearing in excellent dystopian films long before Katniss Everdeen came around.