The Most Disgusting Comedy Is Getting A Sequel Nobody Wants

By TeeJay Small | Updated

If you’re one of the poor unfortunate souls unlucky enough to have watched Sausage Party back when it premiered in 2016, we’ve unfortunately got some horrible news. According to a new YouTube trailer released by Amazon Prime Video, that deranged dumpster-fire of a film is actually getting a sequel series, despite absolutely nobody asking for one. The trailer for Sausage Party: Foodtopia, looks even more nauseating than the first installment, and is poised to land on Amazon on July 11.

For those who don’t know, Sausage Party is a star-studded animated film that parodies Disney Pixar films and centers on an anthropomorphic cast of animated food items. The film offers a bizarre, thinly veiled critique of organized religion and plays a bit on the parable of Plato’s cave, as hot dogs, tacos, and other foods experience an existential awakening when they learn that their existence is predicated on being eaten by humans.

…Sausage Party: Foodtopia appears to pick up right where the first film left off, as the trailer shows food items taking their battle out of the supermarket and onto the streets, where they apparently do away with humanity and colonize the entire planet.

Despite all of that, the film is primarily remembered for its vomit-inducing finale, which sees the foods revolting against humans, taking over the supermarket, and engaging in a Caligula-style party that will put you on a liquid diet for days to come.

The YouTube comments are rife with users who not only don’t want this sequel series but wish that they could go back in time and prevent themselves from ever watching Sausage Party to begin with.

Now, Sausage Party: Foodtopia appears to pick up right where the first film left off, as the trailer shows food items taking their battle out of the supermarket and onto the streets, where they apparently do away with humanity and colonize the entire planet. As expected, the sequel also shows a ton of graphic sexual encounters between the foods, including hot dogs sliding into buns, whipped cream cans filling fruits, and potatoes mindlessly mashing into each other in a train of debauchery.

Sausage Party: Foodtopia

As if Sausage Party couldn’t be any more gross than it already was, it looks like a central theme of Foodtopia will be the journey of one hot dog inserting itself into the behind of different creatures in order to control them, Ratatouille style. This is obviously patently absurd but also positively disgusting, even by the standards of the original film set.

While it’s surprising that Sausage Party is getting a sequel due to its bizarre content, it’s actually even more surprising that this is being made after the real-world controversy that the 2016 film incurred.

The YouTube comments are rife with users who not only don’t want this sequel series but wish that they could go back in time and prevent themselves from ever watching Sausage Party to begin with. And yet, the cast is absolutely star-studded, including Seth Rogen, Michael Cera, Kristin Wigg, David Krumholtz, Natasha Rothwell, Edward Norton, Will Forte, and Sam Richardson.

While it’s surprising that Sausage Party is getting a sequel due to its bizarre content, it’s actually even more surprising that this is being made after the real-world controversy that the 2016 film incurred.

Sausage Party: Foodtopia

Apparently, animators for the food porn extravaganza were mistreated, even by Hollywood standards. Dozens of animators were made to work unpaid overtime for weeks to meet the film’s stringent deadlines, and those who spoke up about their poor working conditions were blackballed within the industry and not given proper credit on the film.

While Sausage Party was already receiving poor reviews from general audiences, the news about the mistreatment of animators truly left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, and today, the film is better known for this controversy than it is for its own message or content.

So it’s incredibly strange that Amazon would bank on a sequel show being successful when all the trailer for Sausage Party: Foodtopia really did was churn viewers’ stomachs and make them wonder about the working conditions of the newly-produced series.