The Boys Keeps Adding Spin-offs

By Britta DeVore | Updated

It’s been less than one week since it was announced that The Boys would be coming to an end after its fifth season and already there are rumors of another spin-off set in the satirical superhero-filled world. Of course, the series already has two offshoots in Gen V, which was released on Prime Video in the fall of last year, and The Boys: Mexico which has been announced but doesn’t have a clear schedule yet. But, a new idea for a spin-off would center around a character recently introduced in the show’s currently-running fourth season – Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Joe Kessler. 

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Introduced To The Universe

Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Karl Urban The Boys

After it was revealed that Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be joining The Boys universe, fans were incredibly eager to see another member of the Supernatural family make the jump into the crass and explosive universe. For a long time, his character was kept under wraps, but now we know that Morgan’s Joe Kessler is an old chum of Butcher’s (Karl Urban) and a member of the CIA.

Pushing Butcher to go as diabolical as humanly possible, should Kessler land a The Boys spin-off, it would undoubtedly toe the moral line even finer than we’ve been used to over the past three seasons.

Possible Jeffrey Dean Morgan Spin-Off

jeffrey dean morgan

And, when it comes to a Jeffrey Dean Morgan-led The Boys spin-off, series creator Eric Kripke says that he’d be fully on board, commenting, “Hey, man, if Jeffrey wants to do it, and it works out, who wouldn’t want to [do a] Jeffrey Dean Boys spinoff?” The creative collaborators previously paired up for Kripke’s 15-season-running CW series, Supernatural, so wrangling Morgan into his new explosive project was a longtime coming for Kripke. 

The Supernatural Connection

jensen ackles supernatural

In fact, Morgan’s appearance in the action-packed production marks the addition of yet another member of the Supernatural universe to crossover into The Boys’ territory. Season 3 saw Jensen Ackles answer the call as Soldier Boy, with Jim Beaver long appearing as politician Robert Singer, and even Supernatural’s God aka Chuck himself, Rob Benedict, getting in on the fun as Splinter in a recent episode.

Why stop with a solely Joe Kessler/Jeffrey Dean Morgan-centered The Boys spin-off, as the creative team could go really crazy and toss all the Supernatural alum into an off-shoot of their own?

Gen V

The Boys: Gen V spin-off

As for The Boys spin-off that has already arrived, audiences were first introduced to the super-abled students of Godolkin University in the first season of Prime Video’s Gen V. The series follows teenage supes-in-training who are sent to the prestigious academy of learning to hone their powers and live up to their fullest potential. But, lurking beyond the brick buildings of higher academia was a dark secret as a testing facility turned many of the young students into lab rats for a virus that has the power to wipe out every Supe around the world.

The Boys Season 4 And The Boys: Mexico

the boys season 4

The series was an immediate hit for Prime Video, proving that The Boys could easily go into spin-off territory. Bits and pieces of Gen V will also be introduced into the show’s currently running fourth season as the plot thickens around the anti-superhero virus. Meanwhile, The Boys: Mexico has faced significant setbacks since it was announced, with no proper start date anywhere in sight. 

You can catch the first three episodes of Season 4 of The Boys now streaming on Prime Video and decide for yourself if Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character has what it takes to lead his own spin-off.

Source: Deadline